
“Applying to PiLA and accepting the fellowship at Endeavor was the best decision I could have taken, both in terms of my career and personal life.”

  -Iara Guzmán, Princeton ’14, Endeavor Mexico



Our Community

PiLA's alumni community is absolutely essential to our mission. Working in a diverse set of fields, alumni are able to connect personally and professionally over a shared commitment to sustainable development in Latin America. Many fellows are actively involved in PiLA's programming as donors, volunteers, mentors, and members of a governing body known as the  Fellowship Advisory Council (FAC). The PiLA network is expanding and is more active than ever, and we welcome participation by all PiLA alumni!

Alumni Association

We invite alumni to update their information here to receive news from the PiLA Alumni Association, overseen by the FAC. Membership in the Alumni Association is free and open to all former PiLA fellows. Benefits of registering for the Alumni Association include opportunities to participate in exclusive networking events, the career mentorship program, PiLA orientation sessions and receptions, and networking via the FAC.